Conceptual and Practice Models

The conceptual framework derived from the Philosophy forms a basis for the organization and structure of the nursing curriculum. The framework consists of Essentials of Baccalaureate Education for Professional Nursing Practice (AACN, 2022) nursing concepts that encompass the qualities of a successful BS graduate nurse. Practice experiences are embedded in our program to prepare students to care for a variety of patients across the lifespan and across the continuum of care. This framework serves as a guide for nursing instruction in the attainment of student learning outcomes. Each competency includes knowledge, skills and attitudes to serve as a basis for consistent performance expectations across academic and practice settings.

Practice Model

The School of Nursing practice model is built upon the assumption that nursing care is nurturing, supportive, patient-centered, family-centered, and community-based. Our nursing practice focus is assessment, communication, cultural sensitivity, compassion, health promotion, collaborative interdisciplinary teams, and patient teaching to improve health outcomes for individuals, families, and communities.

The diagram of the Nursing Practice Model intended to present the attributes and associated relationship. These attributes are associated with increased nurse engagement, retention, and recruitment. Nurses’ participation in decision-making improves the quality of care, enhances patient and family satisfaction, and contributes to overall nursing satisfaction.

Nursing Practice Model

Nurses will be transformational leaders of highly coordinated, exemplary care in partnership with the care team, patient, family, and community.

Practice Model adopted from UVM Medical Center Professional Practice Model (2023).