Nursing Advisory Board

The Nursing Advisory Board (NAB) was formed in 2023 and serves the community of interest. The mission of the NAB is to provide support to the Associate Dean of Nursing, and leadership of the John A. Ware School of Nursing. This body of health care professionals provides feedback regarding the school’s mission, vision, goals, student learning outcomes, and program outcomes for the BSN program and graduates.

The Associate Dean provides the board members with program updates, and the members keep the board informed of relevant changes in service that may impact nursing education and the curricular. All proposed curricular changes are presented to the board for input and recommendations. Our goal is to achieve excellence in nursing education and practice.

Board Members

Dr. Sandra Burns, Ph.D., MSN-Ed., RN

Associate Dean, Nursing

Dr. Brandy Loyola, Ph.D., DNPc, MSN, RN, CSN, PHN

Associate Professor

Dr. Hazel Ada, Ph.D., RN

Director, Education & Training
Simulation Center
Rehab and SNF
Adventist White Memorial

Dr. Sandra Howe-Fontes, DNP, MSN-Ed., RN, CCRN

Clinical Staff Educator
Academic Liaison SBC
Department of Education & Prof. Development
Kaiser Permanente Southern CA

Denise Rios, B.S.

Nursing Education Manager
AltaMed Institute for Health Equity