Resources for Students

In the Cástulo de la Rocha College of Health and Community Well-Being, we educate the whole student, so that you will have the skills to be a successful professional as well as a responsible community member and thoughtful citizen.

A well-rounded college experience consists of top-notch academic programs, but also activities and programs outside the classroom that are designed to nurture your ambition and interests. Students in the Cástulo de la Rocha College of Health and Community Well-Being have access to the full suite of student resources of the University of La Verne, including the following:

Health-Related Clubs and Organizations

  • Clinical Science Club: The Clinical Science Club provides guidance, resources, information, support, and a community of like-minded individuals who are interested in the clinical sciences.
  • Kinesiology Society: Kinesiology Society is a community where students can come together, question, engage, and connect with surrounding students, institutions, and professionals in the field.
  • Phi Epsilon Kappa: A national professional fraternity for persons engaged in health-related concentrations and majors dedicated to advancement of those interest areas, facilitating the exchange of information and experiences, and fostering educational and personal growth.
  • Pre Health Club: The Pre Health Club provides guidance, resources, and a strong community for pre-health students.
  • Pre-Pharmacy Club – The Pre-Pharmacy Club provides students an outlet to explore future schooling and career opportunities in the pharmacy field.
  • Psi Chi Honor Society: Psi Chi is the International Honor Society in Psychology, founded in 1929 for the purposes of encouraging, stimulating, and maintaining excellence in scholarship and advancing the science of psychology.
  • Psychology Graduate Student Alliance: The Psychology Graduate Student Alliance represents psychology graduate students at the University of La Verne and provide opportunities for networking, career and educational advancement, and community giving in order to prepare its members for success in the field of psychology.